Poikain Parhaat Freeze-dried Lingonberry 芬蘭原粒凍乾越橘 15g
Poikain Parhaat Freeze-dried Lingonberry 芬蘭原粒凍乾越橘 15g
Poikain Parhaat Freeze-dried Lingonberry 芬蘭原粒凍乾越橘 15g
Poikain Parhaat Freeze-dried Lingonberry 芬蘭原粒凍乾越橘 15g
Poikain Parhaat Freeze-dried Lingonberry 芬蘭原粒凍乾越橘 15g

Poikain Parhaat Freeze-dried Lingonberry 芬蘭原粒凍乾越橘 15g

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芬蘭曾被譽為全球空氣最好的城市,也稱為午夜太陽之地 (Land of Midnight Sun),夏季時期日照時間長達24 小時


來自芬蘭品牌Poikain Parhaat 的芬蘭原粒凍乾野莓,是健康又美味的零食。

凍乾是保存芬蘭野莓本身的味道、色澤和形狀最佳方法,將由人手採摘新鮮的野莓進行維持24小時的急凍(-35 至-40℃),使水分變成冰,然後進行乾燥,以升華將冰轉化成水蒸氣,除去野莓中的水分,果實中剩下的就是天然抗氧化物、膳食纖維、微量元素等營養成份。


- 含豐富抗氧化物,幫組延緩皮膚老化
- 有助減少體內炎症
- 幫助減少女性尿道感染的復發機會

- 採用芬蘭人手採摘野生越橘
- 無添加糖
- 非油炸
- 非醃製
- 非基因改造
- 無防腐劑
- 無增味劑
- 純素
- 無麩質

成分: 野生越橘,沒有其他東西!

重量: 15克

來源地: 芬蘭


關於 Poikain Parhaat

由Nikolas Jokisalo和Pertti Hakala創立,是一間成立於芬蘭Tampere的公司,致力推廣芬蘭味道,盡可能用芬蘭最好的天然材料用心制作高質的手工飲品。
2016年的聖誕,兩位年輕的創辦人嘗試在住所中自行調配出1,300枝香料酒,用私家車運載到當地的聖誕市集。產品大受歡迎,他們從而成立了Poikain Parhaat,開展了他們的創業的路程。



在使用任何產品之前,請務必檢查產品標籤或包裝。 如果存在差異,客戶應遵循產品標籤或包裝上提供的信息。 您應該直接與製造商聯繫,以便澄清產品標籤和包裝細節以及推薦用途。


Finland has the BEST AIR in the world! Finland, also being known as the land of the midnight sun, the sun is visible for the full 24 hours in summer, given fair weather. Wild arctic berries grow and mature under the midnight sun, absorbing the goodness from their clean and unpolluted surroundings, also maturing with more nutrients than cultivated berries

A healthy and delicious snack from Poikain Parhaat. 
Each packet of Poikain Parhaat freeze-dried berries is lyophilized from 10-12 times of fresh wild berries.

Freeze drying is a drying process that preserves the color, texture and healthy components of the berries. Maintaining the handpicked fresh wild berries in a 24-hour-freeze (-35 to -40°C), converting the ice into water, drying, then removing the ice by sublimation. Natural antioxidants, dietary fibre, trace elements, and other nutrients best remain in each freeze-dried berry.

Wild Lingonberry
- Rich in antioxidants
- Help reduce inflammation in the body
- Help reduce the chance of female urinary tract infections

Product Features
- Made with wild hand-picked berries from Finland 
- No added sugar
- Non-fried
- Non-salted
- Non-GMO
- No preservatives
- No added flavouring
- Vegan
- Gluten free

Ingredients: Wild lingonberry, nothing added!

Weight: 15g

Origin: Finland


About Poikain Parhaat

Poikain Parhaat, founded by two young man, Nikolas Jokisalo and Pertti Hakala, is a Finnish beverage company originating from Tampere. Nikolas and Pertti are dedicated to promoting the Finnish taste, trying to make high quality handmade drinks with the best natural materials in Finland.

During the Christmas season of 2016 the boys made 1,300 bottles of glogg in Nikolas's apartment, and delivered the products by car to the local Christmas market. Surprisingly, the product received lots of interest, and the boys founded their company Poikain Parhaat.

They select the hankpicked wild berries from the forest in Kainuu, the eastern part of Finland and some small farms. They insist in handmade production of freeze-dried berries in order to bring the four iconic berries of Finland to the rest of the world.



Always check the product label or packaging prior to using any product. If there are discrepancies, customers should follow the information provided on the product label or packaging. You should contact the manufacturer directly for clarification as to product labeling and packaging details and recommended use.